Aurora, Oregon
We occasionally have Black Australorp and Delaware chicks and started pullets for sale in the spring/summer. Fertile hatching eggs are available by request.
Our chickens enjoy free range of the farm, non-GMO feed supplemented by farm-grown fruits and veggies, and natural/organic health care. We breed only our best birds, selecting for health, vigor, and conformance with the breed standard.
*We do not ship chicks at this time. Hatching eggs can be shipped at the buyers expense*
Chickens For Sale
Black Australorps
Black Australorps are a large black chicken with a striking iridescent green sheen and vibrant red combs and wattles. They are highly productive layers of large brown eggs. They are hardy, calm, and friendly chickens, excellent for the homestead flock. Our Australorp rooster is a show-quality bird with an excellent temperament.
Learn more about Australorps from the Livestock Conservancy.
Chicks-straight run (not sexed): $5.00 each
Started pullets (female) ~ 12 weeks: $20.00 each
Fertile hatching eggs: $20.00/dozen

These big, beautiful birds have excellent egg production laying big brown eggs. They are also fast-growing with fine meat qualities making them ideal dual purpose homestead bird. They generally have calm, curious, and friendly personalities. Learn more about the Delaware chicken from the Livestock Conservancy.
Chicks-straight run (not sexed): $6.00 each
3-Week-Old Pullet Chicks (female): $10.00 each
Started pullets (female) ~ 12 weeks old: $30.00 each
Fertile hatching eggs: $35.00/dozen