Aurora, Oregon
Sheep For Sale
We breed Dorper/Katahdin hair sheep. Our breeding stock come from lines bred for excellent health, productivity, mothering ability, rapid growth, and outstanding meat qualities. While we primarily produce for meat, we reserve exceptional specimens to sell as breeding stock. We are also willing to sell feeder lambs to other AWA producers. Occasionally, we sell adult ewes and rams. Our herd is tested free of OPP, CL, and Johne's Disease. Contact us for more information.
2021 Sheep

SOLD! Two ram lambs born March 2021: $300 each. The black/white fellow is out of a full dorper and one of my best ewes who consistently gives me big, healthy, fast growing twin lambs and requires no supplemental feeding other than hay. The horned fellow is out of a white dorper/Katahdin ewe with a gorgeous, lustrous white, clean-shedding coat, and compact muscular conformation. Both weighed around 90# at 13 weeks. Their sire is a large, well-muscled white dorper/Katahdin ram from stock selected for superb growth, outstanding meat qualities, worm resistance, and clean shedding coats for 20 years. These rams would make a great addition to your meat flock.

SOLD! Four ewe lambs born March 2021: $300 each. There are 1 red and 3 white lambs. The red's dam is a full Katahdin ewe, the rest are of white dorper/Katahdin parentage. These ewes will make fantastic breeding stock for a meat flock. Our ewes are selected for mothering ability, overall health, worm resistance, and manageable temperaments. Their sires contributes fast growth, good muscling, and a low-maintenance, clean shedding coat.
2020 Sheep

SOLD! Ram lamb born 2/26/2020: Here is a big, gorgeous, piebald blackhead dorper/Katahdin ram lamb. He weighed in at 98# at 13 weeks. He is friendly, but respectful. He is out of a full dorper and one of my best ewes who consistently gives me big, healthy, fast growing twin lambs and requires no supplemental feeding other than hay. His sire is a large, well-muscled white dorper/Katahdin ram from stock selected for superb growth, outstanding meat qualities, worm resistance, and clean shedding coats for 20 years. This ram would make a great addition to your meat flock.

SOLD! Twin ewe lambs born 2/24/2020: Dam is a full Katahdin ewe, sire is a white dorper/Katahdin ram. These ewes will make fantastic breeding stock for a meat flock. Their dam is a great mother and an easy keeper with great feet, worm resistance, and a sweet, calm personality. Their sire contributes fast growth, good muscling, and a clean shedding coat.

SOLD! 2-year old white dorper/Katahdin ewe. She is disease-free, from a closed herd, a great mama, and has a beautiful, snow-white, clean-shedding coat. She comes from excellent lines bred for superior health, mothering ability, fast growth, and outstanding meat quality. Up-to-date on CD-T vaccination.