Aurora, Oregon
French Prairie Honey - Pure Honeycomb
This is honey at it's best, in it's most natural, astonishing form. This honeycomb comes straight from the bees to you. Yes, it is honey encased in beeswax, and yes, the wax is perfectly edible, light and flaky, lending texture and body along with honey sweetness to a dish. Price is $1.35/oz and packages range from 10-14 oz. Shipping is available!
- Spread a chunk of comb on warm toast, pancakes, waffles, or muffins, even a panino or other grilled sandwich
-Add a special touch to cheese plates
-Crumble over salad
-Stir into oatmeal or yogurt
-Add to peanut butter sandwiches
-Add a smashing garnish to cupcakes, ice cream, or other desserts
Our gorgeous French Prairie honey is rich in color and flavor. Like wine, coffee, and chocolate, the depth of color and flavor of honey is strongly tied to the region in which it is produced, as well as the season; honey is a sweet reflection of which flowers are in bloom in a given place and time. Here, in one of the oldest agricultural regions of the Willamette Valley, our bees have access to a bounty of apple, peach, hazelnut, and cherry orchards, vineyards, fields of crimson clover, and wildflower-filled meadows. All of our honey is raw (unheated, unpasteurized) and unfiltered, so it retains all of it's natural pollen, polyphenol antioxidants, amino acids, and other nutrients.